Resultados de la búsqueda

    14 Resultados
  • Lee Karchawer - Vice President of Sales, East - posee un Master of Business Administration in Management & Marketing de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Ericsson Emodo - Telecomunicaciones - Estados Unidos
  • Ben Schuman - Controller - posee un Master of Science in Accounting de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Monomoy Capital Partners - Fondo - Estados Unidos
  • Mick Whittemore - Vice President, Information Technology Enterprise Operations - posee un Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems de Binghamton University - School of Management.
  • Abby Miller - Chief Accounting Officer and Treasurer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Blackstone Private Credit Fund - Servicios Financieros - Estados Unidos
  • Jacklyn O'Donnell - Director of Tax - has a Bachelor in Accounting from Binghamton University - School of Management and Bachelor in Accounting from State University of New York at Binghamton.
    Veritas Capital - Fondo - Estados Unidos
  • Andrew Chaglasian - Vice President, Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor in Accounting and Finance de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Charter Brokerage - Servicios Empresariales - Estados Unidos
  • Beth Keil - Vice President, People - posee un Bachelor of Science in Human Resources Management de Binghamton University - School of Management.
  • Danielle Hain - Vice President, Executive Operations - posee un Bachelor of Science in Accounting de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    FTI Consulting New York - Consultoría - Estados Unidos
  • Michael Sackler - Director, Business Solutions - posee un Bachelor of Science in Business Management de Binghamton University - School of Management.
  • Christopher Gilson - Fund Controller - posee un Bachelor in Accounting de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Kohlberg & Company - Fondo - Estados Unidos
  • Robert Steinberg - Chief Financial Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Accounting de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Nathan's Famous - Restaurantes - Estados Unidos
  • Evan Schepps - Managing Director, Middle Market Lending - posee un Bachelor of Science in Finance de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Golub Direct Lending - Servicios Financieros - Estados Unidos
  • Michael Marrale - Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Science in Accounting de Binghamton University - School of Management.
  • Shaun Gonzales - Head of Property - posee un Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management Information Systems de Binghamton University - School of Management.
    Verita - Seguros - Estados Unidos

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